Neighbourhood House Research and Data
The value to communities from selected Neighbourhood House activities.
The data in this booklet is from the
2016 Neighbourhood House survey
conducted by Neighbourhood
Houses Victoria and was
completed by 22 funded and one
unfunded Neighbourhood House.
Deloitte Access Economics: Estimating the social impact of Gippsland's Neighbourhood Houses.
One of Neighbourhood Houses Victoria's largest pieces of research to date, the Connecting a Diverse Victoria Report analyses the who and why of over 46,000 neighbourhood house participants.
‘Learning for Life? Neighbourhood Houses, Adult Learning and Transitions to Higher Education’ – a mini book on learning in ACE and Neighbourhood Houses.
NHVic develop research reports and publications on issues and topics of relevance to the neighbourhood house sector.
NHVic conduct an annual survey of neighbourhood houses to collect important data about their services and operations. The reports include statistics regarding: participation rates, programs and services, infrastructure, governance structure and income, volunteers, partnerships, workforce and more.