Local Community Development Projects
Do you have inspiring program you would like to share? Please send me your stories, news or inspiring programs so we can share them with our network! I have put a couple up as an example but would love to fill this page with all the great stuff happening all around Barwon & Victoria! By 2023 I would love to feature all 24 NH Barwon houses with projects that are making a difference in your community. For more information contact Anthea@nhbarwon.org.au
Social Prescription is an innovative approach to improving a person’s mental health and well-being. Pilot programs in the Bayside City Council, City of Kingston, Glen Eira City Council areas have been going on....to learn more click here.
ACH supports several project and iniatives that work to promote sustainability in our communties. In 2021, the ACH won the Climate Action Award from Neighbourhood Houses Victoria for our work with the Resale Shed. The ACH is committed to playing their part to create a sustainable future and encourage locals to learn about how they can do their bit for the environment. The ACH supports a range of different organisations and groups that align with our sustainability vision. Please click here to learn more!
Once a month the Deans Marsh community all get together at their NH to share food and celebrate. What a fab way to bring people together! To learn more click here!