Child Safe Standards
In conjunction with the City of Greater Geelong Child Safe Standards Project Worker the Barwon Network supported the facilitation of an information session for all Neighbourhood House Coordinators and Committee of Management representatives on June 31st. At that session Coordinators requested the development of a suite of resources for Neighbourhood Houses and in particular for Committees of Management to assist them in the development of policies and organisation culture.
As a result please note the following:
- In response to the Betrayal of Trust Inquiry 2013, the Victorian Government has introduced seven compulsory minimum Child Safe Standards that apply to organisations that provide services for children. The seven Child Safe Standards are enshrined in law and are designed to protect children from all forms of abuse and harm.
- The Child Safe Standards apply to all employees (full-time, part-time and casual), all volunteers and all contractors, tenants and lessees. Everyone is responsible to ensure all children are safe and feel safe. All employees, volunteers and contractors are legally and morally responsible to report if they have a reasonable belief (or reasonable grounds) of abuse or harm to a child or young person (anyone under the age of 18),
- A reasonable belief (or reasonable grounds) is formed if a reasonable person in the same position would have formed the belief on the same grounds. You do not have to provide proof.
- Concerns about the safety and wellbeing of children can range from an uncomfortable feeling to a direct observation or a disclosure by a child. People are encouraged to report and be proactive rather than wait until it is too late.
Please note resources will be added under each of the Standards as they are developed and tested. We are in the process of doing this with two Neighbourhood Houses within the Region. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you require assistance Barwon Networker 5241 4810.
Victorian Child Safe Standards Presentation Child Safe Standards : Policy Child Safe Standards : Management Procedure