A very exciting and long-awaited achievement in a long journey…but one that is now only just beginning. The NH Barwon RAP cements our commitment to reconciliation and provides a framework for our Network to engage members and lead by example as we learn together to foster and embed greater understanding and respect for First Nations communities.
We would like to acknowledge DFFH investment in this project over the last couple of years and to the members of the RAP Advisory group for pulling it together, it was absolutely a team effort, and one worth celebrating!
We were thrilled to launch our RAP in October 2022 at Narana Cultural Centre with a beautiful welcome to country by Nikki McKenzie and treated to a Didjeridoo performance by Norm Stanley and some bush tucker catered by Narana.
Please click here to download our Reflect RAP. If you would like to print a high res version for your Neighbourhood House please click here.