Access and Inclusion
Early Years Inclusion Project: July 2021
This project arose from a desire to increase access to neighbourhood houses across the Barwon region for children aged 0 to nine years and their families, where a disability has been a barrier.
The project has developed an ‘information system’ which ensures that every six months Neighbourhood Houses Barwon network is provided with information sourced directly from families via the key specialist provider in the region. The idea is for neighbourhood houses and community / specialist providers to share this information and develop new opportunities in local communities.
This information system brings together a series of linked elements:
- Neighbourhood houses want to know more about local families
- As an NDIS partner BCYF have a role to increase the ‘capacity’ of the community to meet the needs of these families in the communities of their choice
- Community organisations and specialist providers working with children will be in a position to work with neighbourhood houses more effectively
Even more importantly, families and children will have greater access to a broader range of opportunities than before.
For more information please download the information system and tool kit below.
Early Years Inclusion Information System Early Years Inclusion Tool Kit
Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion Series
In August/September 2016 a small group of members from the Barwon Network of Neighbourhood Centres embarked on an initiative to explore diversity within our communities and provide Neighbourhood Houses with current information to enable our sector to further develop our capacity as welcoming and inclusive “places” for all members of the community.
Places where diversity is acknowledged and respected and everyone is welcome.
As a result a series of four workshops were held and offered to all leaders, staff, Committee of Governance members, and volunteers within the Barwon Network. Each workshop was recorded and is available via the BNNC You Tube channel.
The initiative was proudly supported by the City of Greater Geelong, Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Education and Training - Learn Local.