What We Do
The Network provides flexible and responsive support to the member houses, the broader sector and the community at large. Its operations and projects are in line with its Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is directed by the membership and includes:
Neighbourhood Houses Barwon provides a collective voice and a sense of unity for its member’s by:
- Communicating
- Representing
- Advocating
- Supporting all members
- Co-ordinators/ Managers/ Executive officers
- Committees of Management/Governance
- Volunteers
- Centre users
- Communities
- Sharing information and knowledge
- Resource sharing
- Linking houses
- Linking to other organisations
- Linking to the rest of the NHLC sector (including NHVic)
Advice, information, referral and advocacy on:
- Service and program planning and development
- Community development practice
- Governance and management
- Resources and training
- Partnership development